In case you didn't know, I'm planning on going to culinary school once I get back from Estonia. I want to specialize in baking and patisserie, and I'm pretty sure I will become the next big Food Network star. I'm not talking about being a Rachael Ray type or anything (honestly, I just don't understand why I find her so irritating), but I'm thinking my show will be more along the lines of "Ace of Cakes" or something like that. I'll probably incorporate some musical numbers into the baking, too, since nothing is better than a delicious dessert with a little music playing in the background. Maybe I'll choose a song by the band Cake for my theme...
Now that I'm (almost) done rambling, I should probably get to the point. Last week marked a monumental occasion in the life of this Baker (pun intended):
I made my first cake using fondant icing.
While the thought of using fondant may not thrill you--you may not even know what fondant is--or even remotely grab your interest, I feel it is only fair for me to tell you that it's not as easy a feat to accomplish as you might think. Imagine rolling some very stick play-dough into a 1/8" pancake, then trying to lift the play-dough without tearing it and covering a cake with it. Like I said, it's not as easy as it sounds.
Anyhoo, I decided to take on a lofty challenge and make a two-tiered cake for a bridal shower my mom and I were hosting. Instead of buying some nasty pre-made fondant from the store I wanted to make my own from scratch. After many hours of hard work and sweat (the secret ingredient to my oh-so-delicious cake), this is what I came up with:

Okay, so maybe I'm not the best at taking pictures, but you get the idea, right? And while I'm not usually one to toot my own horn, I feel a TOOT TOOT is in order. It's by no means perfect, but overall I'm quite proud of my work and thought you might enjoy seeing the fruit of my labor.
That's really all I felt like sharing. I don't have much else to mention, so I guess I'll just sign off now.
Peace and Love,
P.S. I'm just going to sign as LB from now on because I looked at my friend Holly's blog for the first time in a while and realized that she already calls herself a Sojourner; if you know how Holly and I roll, you know that she and I have similar taste with a lot of things and we constantly joke about how we want to be each other (and I can't add any fuel to that fire). So yes, I'm just LB now. Okay, bye.