Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Three little words.

I recently (and by "recently" i mean about five minutes ago) decided to conduct my own sort of social experiment. I've always hoped to present myself in the truest way possible to everyone I meet since, let's be honest, nobody likes fake people. It's interesting to think about whether or not I give the same impression to lots of different people, whether or not their perceptions are similar...

So I sent out a mass-text to friends and asked them to describe me with three words. While I'm not going to write them out, I'll have you know that the only word used more than once was "witty" and that was probably just my friends' clever thinking as a way to get the hook-up for their next haircuts...

That being said, it can be the eye-opening experience to find the very core of your being summed up with three little words. I highly recommend checking with your close friends to see what parts of your personality stand out to them and measuring them up to your own self-analysis.

I think my favorite was from my friend Lauren who took a different approach with her three choice words: "Full of life."

I'll take it.

Cheers to constant growth and to a full life!

Peace and love,
Lo B.

1 comment:

  1. aw im so honored you recognized what i sent you :) i certainly meant it
